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Travel News Market in Stockholm

For the first time Ukraine and Ukrainian inbound travel sector participated in Travel News Market , which unites international suppliers from all over the world for Scandinavian market.

Despite the war and difficult times for our travel industry, Ukrainian Voice should sound in every corner of the world in order to pay attention to importance of supporting our country.

Our message was: "Travel matters: Visit Ukraine after the Victory"

We've informed all the visitors of our stand, how important is not to forget about Ukraine as travel destination, how strongly our country and its economy will need millions of international tourists in future.

During the seminar in frames of travel show, we have presented the travel potential of our country, informed about the current situation with tourism infrastructure and tourist objects which are affected by the war and how incoming tour operators survive these days.

Our key message was how tourism flow to Ukraine in future will have a positive impact on the welfare of our country.

And we are so grateful for the support we've received during the event!

Sweden confirms daily, how strongly they stand with Ukraine.

We would like to express the deepest gratitude and respect for Association of Swedish travel industry Svenska Resebranschföreningen - SRF and Travel News Market for the ultimate support.

Also, we would like to thank

✅️Embassy of Ukraine in Sweden

✅️ Department of tourism and promotion of Kyiv city administration

for the support of the participance of our Association in Travel News Market


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