Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine State Agency for Tourism Development of Ukraine Office of the President of Ukraine Currently, the rate of vaccination in the world, even in developed countries, averages 20-40%. The number of foreign tourists crossing the state border of Ukraine with a negative PCR test result (and insurance policy) is quite significant. The proposed changes (from 19.07), according to which such foreign citizens must go to self-isolation for at least 7 days after crossing the state border and only after re-testing will be able to stop it, will have a very negative impact on the number of travelers to Ukraine.
Frankly speaking, such changes completely cut off such travelers - tourists will not choose Ukraine as a destination. We fully understand that such rules, when only vaccinated citizens will be able to travel without obstacles and forced self-isolation, are expected in most countries. But now, when vaccination is not compulsory and the rate of vaccination is quite slow, the introduction of such measures will have a negative result for the inbound tourism industry. Moreover, all tour operators, which already have confirmed tours and services for August-September of the current year, have devastating consequences in their activities.
We call for a more balanced and consistent approach to possible change. Inbound tourism is advance planning. A very large number of tours will be threatened with cancellation. Such drastic changes will only have a negative impact on Ukraine's image as a tourist destination. We also understand that these changes are forced due to the risk of deterioration of the epidemiological situation. Then, perhaps, it is worth considering their introduction only for countries with a worse situation than in Ukraine.
From June, the inflow flow only gradually began to improve, tour operators were able to partially resume their activities. And such a possible decision on changes will suspend it again. We urge not to change the rules of border crossing. The presence of a negative PCR test result and insurance policy for foreign tourists is a sufficient degree of protection against the possible spread of the virus in Ukraine.
Finally, we emphasize once again that vaccination is not currently compulsory in any country. And we should not restrict the ability to travel to Ukraine for citizens who for some reason have not been vaccinated. We need to respect the existing conditions and the choice of each foreign tourist who has confirmation of the absence of a threat of viral disease at the time of crossing the state border of Ukraine in the form of a negative PCR test result. VISIT Ukraine Ukrainian Hotel & Resort Association Guides Guild All-Ukrainian Association of Guides BTA Ukraine UATA
