We are the only Association, representing the Incoming sector of the Travel Industry in Ukraine. We have united to support each other in managing successful, profitable businesses, being a part of the sustainable and dynamic industry of Incoming to Ukraine.
AITOU - is a community of Ukrainian tour operators, working in the field of Incoming, professionals in creating, promotion, and sales of national travel products all over the world.
To underline the role of the Incoming sector in the travel industry of Ukraine, showing its potential and perspectives and lobby its position to the same stage as outgoing and domestic sectors, with further plans of putting Incoming on the leading one.
To create the link between incoming tour operators and the Governmental Institutions
To present ourselves as advisors and experts of Incoming sector for being involved in developing strategies making procedure
To lobby the creation of suitable conditions for acting and developing the sector in Ukraine
And as the result of the above steps – to increase the number of travelers to Ukraine, to make our destination more popular and attractive, and to wider the list of travel products and services we offer

Member of ECTAA
We are proud now to be part of ECTAA.
09.06.2023 Association of incoming tour operators of Ukraine has become a full member of ECTAA, the European umbrella organisation of the national associations of travel agents and tour operators across Europe. Members are the national associations of the EU Member States, as well as Norway, Switzerland and the UK.


Dima Tantsiura
Board Member

Maria Yukhnovets
Sputnyk Kyiv DMC
Board Member

Kateryna Romanyk
Ukraine-Rus DMC
Board Member

Olena Kazmina
Ornament Ukraine
AITOU President
We are stronger together!
The power of united incoming tourism experts to develop tourism to Ukraine

Oksana Nazarenko
Royal Travel to Ukraine
Board Member
Natalia Soboleva
Arktur DMC
Board Member

Olena Fomina
Gamma Travel
Board Member

Iryna Pavlyk
Wonders & Holidays
Board Member

Marina Antonyuk
Ukrainian Incentives
Board Member